Thursday, January 31, 2013

Early Spring?


Well this morning I have a really sore big toe but the rest of me feels fine after my slip in the shower yesterday, life is good.  Its up to 33 degrees also so the snow is melting.  Although it looks like we got some more overnight.  I think we are getting a little freezing drizzle now.  The UPS on the computer clicked on a time or two so there must be ice building up on the lines.  At least the power never went off.

The mailman brought my packing box from Gazelle and I packed up my old iPad up and sent it off.  They made me a good offer and pay all the shipping.  I went out to drop the package off at the post office and pick up the rest of the mail.  I cleared the snow off the back deck while I was out and now nature can clear the rest of it.  It is to be above freezing the next couple of days so hopefully it will all melt away.  Plus I think I need to stay off my sore toe.

I worked on the bills a little and boy am I ready for the 1st of the month when our retirement checks come.

Still no shower at Elizabeth's, plumber supposed to come tonight.  Bonnie has been doing laundry all day.  It seems to be raining out now and t is up to 40.  Good news the maintenance guys showed up and fixed the shower I think they put in new guts. (the water worked when they got there).  Lots of rain today I am glad its warm, over 3/4 inch.

I don't do this often but its been boring here.  Many will remember our battle with the mice earlier in the year.  Here is another guys story:

The last time we were out in the MH was the last week of October. My wife had a knee replacement on Nov 6th so traveling was curtailed. We were going to Las Vegas on the 17th of Jan for our oldest granddaughters 21st birthday. The weather was pretty cold all winter so I figured I better go fill up the LP so I could keep the furnace going to keep the pipes from freezing.

As I opened the bay with the electric and hose reel I noticed I had some unwanted guests(dried Poop). I keep a form rubber plug around the cord opening hole and it was pushed out of the way. I looked and opened the adjoining bay and say what looked like a cat. So I opened the other side to chase it out and low and behold it was a racoon. The little critter looked about half starved and it went through the bay with the inverter climbed up on top of the black-gray tanks. I am thinking oh crap!

I drove down got fuel and LP and headed back deciding how I was going to evict the racoon. We leave kind of out in the country and have lots of unwanted pests to include skunks from time to time. Well I have a trap so I set the trap up with a can of tuna fish. Get up the next morning and have caught a cat. I released him and the last I saw was his tail heading east in a mad dash. Also had a fesh load in the bay. Figured he got out doesn't like tuna fish and found him some food and crawled back where it was warm Next night reset the trap with Spam, Bingo we got him. 

The only bad part was removing all evidence, but the bays haven't been this clean in a while. I have 3 little boys who live on one side of us and one on the other side and they thought trapping was cool. Now all they want to do is set the trap and see what we get.

With that I will call it a day.


Hope this morning been fasting for the lap work so no coffee or food till then,  I arrived at Quest Diagnostics just before 9am.

The door to the blood letting
Then I headed toward court with a brief stop for gas, coffee, and a bagel at the Kwik Fill in Strykersville.  I spent about 90 minutes working on paperwork and then headed home.

I put the car up on the ramps and then went in to change clothes.  Time to get the differential fluid changed in the CR-V.  The plugs came out easily and it was easy to pump the new fluid in with the small pump.

Just a few simple tools needed

New fluid and pump

Almost full
 I line of thunderstorms went through while I was changing the fluid it rained hard for about 15 minutes and rained over a third of an inch.

Hard rain for a short time
Fluid change took about 20 minutes from start till I was cleaned up and the tools put away.

We headed over to Attica just before 6.  On the way we stopped at Merle's to pick up Bonnie's suitcase that Mary had borrowed for her trip to the Dominican Republic.  Then on to Attica High School to watch the basketball games.  We caught the end of the JV game and then watched the Varsity Game.  We know some of the kids on both teams.  The JV's won easily.  The Varsity was a bit more exciting.  Attica trailed most of the game.  Then took the lead near the end but Byron Bergen tied the game in the last minute.  OVERTIME!  Well it was back and forth but Attica pulled off the win.  It was an exciting game and we had a good time.   We also got to visit with several friends and that is always good.  We headed home in the rain and fog.  Also it was up to 54 out forecast is for 60 tomorrow before the temperature dives tomorrow night.

Pre-Game warm up

Cheerleaders take over during a time out
Thats about it for tonight.


Warm 58 but wet this morning.  We have had several rain showers and one line of heavy rain come through this morning.

January 30, 2013 in Western NY

Bill mad lots of sawdust cutting up the tree that blew down
Rand McNally finally got my lifetime map updates added to my account for my RVND 7710 GPS yesterday.  Last night I started the process to update the maps in anticipation of this coming summers travels.  It took all night and some of this morning but its done.  Then about the time I finished that, Apple published IOS 6.1 and update for our iPad and iPhones.  The update went without a hitch, as it usually does.

Bonnie took off for Warsaw to shop and pickup RXs, also to pick up the last of the supplies for her trip to Africa.  She made a brief stop at home to drop off the groceries and then headed for her sisters to exchange pedicures.

FedEx delivered the Crystal Light we ordered at Amazon and the USPS delivered the parts for the snow blower.  I went out and replaced the broken bolt on the blower and then came back in as it was raining again.

I read about a PBS series called "Downton Abby" on an other blog this morning.  Its about the staff and family at an old English manor.  I found the older episodes on Amazon Prime instant videos so we started at season one.  So far it is an interesting story so we have season 1 and 2 to catch up on and Season 3 just started.  Then the girls came to pick up a load of wood and then stayed for supper.  We watched and played along with Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and then they headed home.  A little TV for us and then bed.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Can I Say its Still Cold Mighty Cold


Sunny when we got up this morning but then it clouded up and snowed a little.  Not much and the sun even came out for a while around 3pm.  We basically did nothing today so there is not much to write about.  Tonight we have our small group study so we will be off to that soon.

We left around 6 Bonnie had fresh baked brownies, we picked up the girls, dropped off a check in East Aurora, and deposited some checks at the bank for Elizabeth.  Best of all we were on time.

As we headed home it was another clear night no snow and it was -9 on top of one of the hills.

My niece and her family have a working furnace again and Elizabeth still has no water in the shower.

Time for bed.


Still cold this morning.  Bonnie was up and went to take her mother to an appointment and do some shopping together.  I caught up on some blogs and did a little research on line.  Then got dressed warm and went out to move snow.  Cleaned the driveway and pavers.  No new snow last night.  But about 4 hours after I cleaned the drive way we got a little bit of snow.

Alexus was home alone and she called to ask me to come in as a man was coming to look at why they did not have water in the bathroom.  He got there just before me and since there is just a trickle of water and it is not stopping or getting faster we both think the faucet is broken.  Elizabeth says it has not worked right since she move in.  In fact they reused it when they replaced the shower with a bathtub.  So he was going to get hold of the landlord and get the ok to replace it.  Suppose to come back this evening.  He said they would have to fix it through the outside wall, oh my its 10 degrees out.

While I was there I showed  and had Alexus how to build a fire.  She split some kindling, crumpled the paper, laid the fire, and lit it.  We closed the door to soon so had to add two pieces of paper and then it took right off.  I showed her how to regulate the stove temperature by adjusting the draft.  Then we also had to add some wood twice.  Then I headed home.

I was hungry for goulash earlier in the week and Bonnie was busy cooking some up when I got home.  But first I had a bit of a nap, I woke up as the news started and hungry as a bear after hibernation.  Boy the goulash was good, I may have eaten more than I should have.  Then topped it of with a brownie, washed down with some milk.

Relaxing this evening and taking it easy.

Looks like we have a flyer out in Alabama!


Another cold morning no over night snow and a little sun this morning.  I headed up to court for a few hours and Bonnie headed for a "31 Gift" party.

Once I got home I sorted out my medicine for the next 4 weeks and then decided to work on the taxes.  I got organized and entered a little of the data.  We are missing a W-2 from the county hospital and a 1099-R.  So I quit.  Bonnie got home just before 8 and the girls came with her.  Their shower is still not fixed.  So they are showering spending the night and we can all go to church in the morning.

We watched a little TV and all have headed for bed and I am going to follow shortly.  Forecast is for a couple days of warmer weather and I hope to get the rear differential fluid changed on the Honda CR-V when that happens.  Full Moon tonight and 15 degrees, it was 12 earlier maybe the warm up is starting.


Started off this morning by slipping and half falling in the shower.  Somehow I ended up on the built in seat.  I jammed my big toe on the opposite wall and banged my head on something, it all happened so fast.  Must have made a lot of noise as Bonnie came in to check on me.  That completed we all headed to church.  After church we dropped off the girls at their house and came home.  Bonnie made a nice salad for lunch.  I am starting to get stiff and sore from the slip so took some Alleve and plan to take it easy.

Weather advisory issued for sleet and freezing rain tonight.

Thats about it for this week, I took it easy but am a little sore, but I will be ok.  Thanks for Checking In.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Deep Freeze


Happy Martin Luther King Day.  The 5 inches of snow we got late last night has settled down and is now 2 or 3.  I went out mid morning and cleaned it up, cold again about 20.

Elizabeth came out and got a trunkful of wood.

Getting a load of wood
We watched some recorded shows and then about 3 we headed into Elizabeth's.  We were meeting there to visit with friends John and Sandy who were visiting from Oklahoma City.  They will soon be moving to Huntsville and are looking at a house that is within 6 miles of my son and his family.  We shared Cheeseburger Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza and some wings.  Hard to beat pizza and wings in Buffalo.  We got about an other inch or so of snow while we were in there.  Its down to 10 degrees and the road were a mess and slippery on the way home.  Looks like the snow has stopped now maybe the salt will work overnight.

Thats it for tonight.  Lots of running around to do tomorrow.


Up before 7 this morning lots on the agenda, its only 12 out.  We had about 4 inches of snow on the driveway this morning so I was working on it before 8.  Then we carried down suitcases to drop off for Bonnie's upcoming trip to Africa.  Just as we were pulling out, Bill our building friend pulled in, he was going to start to cut up and haul home the Ash tree that blew down.  We headed for the McKinley mall so Bonnie could keep her hair appointment.  I dropped her off just before 10 and then I headed to Ray Laks Honda for an oil change.  I had a coupon for a free oil change so that part cost me nothing.  Then I went to the parts dept. and picked up the crush washers I needed and a spare oil filter, cost $11.00.  Then back to pick up Bonnie.  We stopped at Sears and I got an impact socket I needed and an  impact adapter.  Now as soon as it warms up I can change the rear differential fluid.

We pulled into eat at Wendy's but spotted a Moe's Southwestern Grill, we had just learned of these on Undercover Boss the other night.  So we went there and the meal was very good and we skipped supper it was so filling.  Then on to East Aurora with a stop at the Bank and then to drop off the suitcases.

It was snowing hard when we headed home and the roads were very slippery.  The tires on the CR-V are just about shoot after only 17000 miles, not much grip.  We did get past an 18 Wheeler that was not going to make it up the hill we were on.  We made it home safely and Bill was still working in the yard.

As you can see it was still snowing hard.  Bill was able to not only cut up the blown down part of the tree but also the rest of what was still standing.  I bet he will sleep good tonight.

I had to head back out about 6 for an audit the Town Board is required to perform on my court records every year and that went well.  The roads were horrible going up, it was still snowing.  The CR-V tires spun off and on all the way up the hill.  I was gone 2 hours and the snow stopped, the roads were much better coming home.

Now to catch up on emails before bedtime


No snow overnight and the moon light last night was bright and beautiful.  The cloudless night led to low temps.  We had 0 here at the house and friends nearby posted -5 and -13 at their houses.  Its been nice and sunny all morning.  Time to go out and clean the driveway.

No wind out while I was cleaning the driveway so it was not bad.  I also cleaned up around the pavers so we should be all set.  I forgot to grab the mail and the recycle bin so ended up going back out for them after soup and a sandwich that Bonnie made for lunch.  While I was out I grabbed a couple pictures.

Meter reading was due

This is all thats left of the tree Bill Cut up
Now its snowing again, hopefully not a lot.  GD called and there shower line is frozen, my neice in PA has furnace problems so they need a new motor.  I am thankful we are warm and the forecast is for warmer weather.

Not much more to report the snow has about stopped but it will be back.  A new motor is on the way so my niece should get heat later tonight, they are safe with my sister now.  My daughter is helping with the Code Blue at City Mission and helping to get the homeless into warm shelters.  Hopefully my GD will have water for a shower in the morning.

Thats about it for tonight Thanks for Checking in!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Snowing Again


We woke up this morning and the ground was white with fresh snow.  As of lunch time it is still snowing, a light snow but it is not accumulating much.  Bonnie made us soup for lunch and is making spaghetti for supper.

The maintenance minder on the Honda CR-V came on the other day when we were out.  It shows the Code of B16.  That means its time for an oil change, tire rotation, and rear differential fluid change.  When I called to make an appointment at the Honda dealer I asked what they charge to change the rear differential fluid, $89.00.  Wow the manual shows how to do it and its easier than changing the oil.  Take out two plugs, drain the 1.3 quarts of fluid.  Replace the crush washer on the bottom plug and put it back in with 36 ft/lbs of torque.  Then add the fluid, tight space so it needs pumped in, then replace the top plug with a new crush washer.  Parts and fluid were about $30 at Amazon.  So I ordered the fluid and a pump.  I needed 2 quarts of fluid this time so next time I can do the job for $10 or $12 bucks.  Its done about every 15,000 miles.  Right now I am headed out to rotate the tires $27.00 bucks at the dealer.  I will have them change the oil as we have a free oil change, and the inspection which will be good in case I have a warranty issue.

Took me about an hour to rotate the tires, biggest thing is deciding where to put the jack to safely jack up the car.  Also the wheel nuts were tight so I had to use the breaker bar to get them loose.  Once I got the tires moved around I torqued the nuts to 80 ft/lbs which is the spec.   Then I drove it a couple miles and rechecked them, all is well.

Bonnie had the spaghetti ready when I came in but decided we would take it with us and all eat together at Elizabeths.  So we watched a quick show and then I got a quick shower, before the quick drive to her house. On the way there we got word via Facebook that our DIL had a little accident on the slick roads in Alabama.  Thankfully only the car was damaged.  We talked to her and she is sore and the kids are unhurt.

Looks like quite a ride and then bounced off the tree

Elizabeth had a nice fire going in the wood stove and we had a nice supper before heading to church for the group study.  While we were there the snow came down pretty hard.

Maybe an inch of new snow maybe a little more
We headed for home dropping Elizabeth off at her place on the way.  The roads were pretty slippery, but we made it safely.  Busy and eventful day time to hit the hay.


Only 10 degrees out when I got up this morning, I guess the cold weather is here.  Also have about 4 inches on snow on the ground from the overnight snow.  I am expecting FedEx so I guess I better head out and clean the driveway.  I was out on the blower almost done when FedEx pulled in with the fluid for the Honda rear Differential.  Now I just need to pick up the crush washers to make sure it will seal after I drain it.  Heading up to court for a while.

Got my paperwork done and headed home still sunny, but boy does it feel cold as it is windy.  I saw when I got home that we have a wind advisory for the next 2 days, wow.  I did not feel too great and took it easy the rest of the day.  Hitting bed early tonight as we are getting up at 6am for an all day trip to Pennsylvania to visit Bonnie's brother.


Up at 6 this morning on the road by 7:30am.  We picked up the family and headed for Pennsylvania for a visit with Bonnie's brother.  We had a nice visit, the weather was perfect.  We pulled into the house just before 10pm.  Glad to be home safe and sound as the wind is starting to pick up.

Bonnie's folks at Supper
On the way home we stopped for gas, about 40 cents a gallon cheaper in PA.  We also stopped at the "Dutch Kitchen" for supper.  They had complete meals for $4.99 we all enjoyed our meals and most had dessert.  Real good food at real good prices.


Wow was it windy overnight and still this morning when I got up.  Its out of the West so the hill blocks a lot of it.  Then I looked out the bedroom window.  Looks like two trunks of a multi-trunk tree broke off.  One is blocking the driveway the other is just touching it.

Still a little dark out
I woke Bonnie and we had our breakfast and got ready to head for church as it started to snow pretty hard.

Heading out for church

Cleanup planned for after church
I did move the branches out of the driveway and got the snow shovel out and used it to push the smaller branches off to the side.

Church was good and as soon as we got home with both changed clothes and dressed warm for the clean up.  I moved the tractor and got the ranger out.  I fired up the chainsaw to make the smaller branches even smaller.  Bonnie and I loaded and dumped the ranger 3 times.  We cleaned up the driveway as best we could and cut the trees back to the other side of the ditch.  It was only 20 degrees out so it was cold even while working.  I think most of whats left will become firewood for someone.

The covers on the stacks of firewood blew off so we headed down to recover the wood pile.  But first we loaded up the ranger with split firewood for my DD.  We took it up and put it near the driveway so she can haul it to her house.  Just in case we get the snow that is forecast she can get to it.

Well the snow did show up and we have 4 or 5 inches so far.  Its been a good week.  Now to catch the end of the football game and then maybe read a little.

Thanks for Checking In.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chill Town


What a change, its below 30 this morning.  Was just finishing my first cup of coffee when the phone rang today.  It was Elizabeth, the landlord was sending someone to fix her faucet this morning, could I go to her house and let them in.  Sure, I had no plans and just took my computer to work on a budget project.  We have lived on a budget for 30 or more years.  We are so used to it I have not revised it for several years.  With us both being retired now its time to take a close look at it.

I headed in around 10:30am and the guys showed up within 30 minutes.  They took out the broken contractor grade faucet and put in a nice Moen.  Took them about 30 minutes and I was on my way home.

I friend I used to ride my 4-Wheeler with died on Saturday, he was 83.  His viewing was today and we got dressed and headed over to the funeral home in Arcade.  We picked up Bonnie's sister on the way and paid our last respects and visited with the family.

Back home Bonnie made pancakes for supper, topped with real Maple syrup her brother made himself last March.  Then watched a little TV and read a little.


Another cold morning but I had my coffee and oatmeal in peace.  Lots of things to do today just getting started is the problem.

Bonnie got up and worked on changing out a dresser in her room.  I got the annual maintenance fee ready to mail to the time share in Grand Cayman.  Then I called our court clerk and she said there was no new paperwork for me to work on so I canceled my planned trip to court.  Bonnie and I made plans to leave the house at 3pm.

We left right at 3pm and headed first to the post office in Wales Center.  I needed to mail the letter to the timeshare and Bonnie was returning an unwanted book.  I also picked up a roll of forever stamps since the cost is going up the 27th of this month.  The phone rang and my GD wanted to know if we were still taking her to Best Buy.  So we turned around to pick her up.  Then back on the road to Colton RV to pick up my door lock and the keys they had made for our coach.  GD called her father in Virginia and he said he would go to Best Buy there and pay for a PlayStation 3 that we could pick up here.  Thus began the ordeal.  We were in the store shortly after 5 and finally left with the game around 7pm.  The electronic transaction was still not completed but they gave us a hand written receipt and we left.

The happy one is getting the game.

Long wait I hope it was worth it
We were starved and used a smoothie to try to help the hunger pains.  Once the game was in hand we headed to Elma to drop Bonnie off at church for a meeting that started at 7:00pm we got there at 7:38pm.  GD and I headed home and she made me a chicken finger wrap.  She took out the trash and then unwrapped the game and hooked it up.  She seems to really like it and has been playing it since.

9:30pm still waiting for the girls to come home.  Then home and a little TV and reading.


So I stayed up last night till after 1am to finish my book "Held for Ransom" a good book about the FBI and kidnapping, brought back lots of memories.  Then just before 8am this morning I woke up, it was still pretty dark, so I rolled over and slept until 9:20.  Bonnie got up about an hour later.

We made plans to take the supplies she can not use back to the hospital, then go to Gainesville to visit a friend and while there I can put the lock back into the Coach.

Just got a text with this picture or one of our Alabama GDs at tumbling class.

Love the smile
Well we got it all done.  Supplies back to the hospital, lock reinstalled into coach.  Plus we had a nice visit with some friends, we got home just before dark and just in time to answer phone calls.  Weatherman says it is going to snow tonight so will have to see what that brings.  Time now to relax maybe a short nap after supper.  Thats about it for today so I will get this posted.

Thanks for checking in.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Thaw Continues


The thaw continued this morning and it was nice and sunny most of the day.  We had a pretty leisurely morning and took it easy.  One of the podcasts I listen to had some nice comments on an email I had sent them.  John and Kathy of Living the RV Dream.

I did run down into town to get gas for the snowblowers and filled up the CR-V also.  Then picked up the mail out at the road.  I swept out the garage before putting the car away and called it a day.

Elizabeth called and invited us to supper.  I have been reading Greg Whites blog and he is always talking about or having Chicken Tortilla Soup.  I have been sending her recipes and today she picked one and made it for supper.  Bonnie baked some fresh cornbread and we had a nice meal together.  After we watched the Wheel and Jeopardy we headed home.  A few more days and most of the snow will be gone.


Raining this morning but it was still warm and above freezing and thats good.  Bonnie had already left to go and watch while they put in a new wood stove for Elizabeth.  I had breakfast and then headed to court.  My plan was to work up there for a while and then go relieve Bonnie.  But she called before I was finished and said they were done, she was on the way home.  I had about another hour of work and then headed home.

I found these in the mailbox as I pulled into the driveway.

Let the Planning begin

More planning tools
Yep we are continuing to plan for some traveling.  Right now Michigan is penciled in for September maybe with some friends.  We also have Florida penciled in for November.  I also learned that I could get the top book on my iPad for free using an app called Zinio.

Bonnie had made me a nice lunch but it had cooled off so I heated it up and enjoyed it.  She was peeling apples to make apple sauce, which she cooked before she left for some shopping and a meeting in Warsaw.  After the sauce cooled down I put it in ziplock containers and washed up the pans and lunch dishes.  Its still raining but not very hard.

Still 40 degrees at 7pm and its January 11th, Buffalo is not so bad after all.  I hope I feel that way in the middle of February.  My sister is having more trouble with her knee and got her MRI results today and it does not sound very promising.  You may remember she had surgery last year but her knee continues to give her problems and pain.  It gave out on her last week and she fell and injured it.  Now she will see the Dr next week.  Join us as we pray that all will be repairable and that she can be pain free again.

More good news.  My son and his wife have been trying to sell their house for a long time and after tense negotiations yesterday finally have a signed contract.  Now they need to find a new house by April 1st.

Well guess I will look at the Michigan Book and see what they have to offer.


Almost 50 this morning and a little rain.  Then it cleared off and got up into the 50's.  The snow is continuing to melt and the grass is starting to show through the snow in the yard.

A little snow is showing through a little
 I headed up to court and Bonnie spent the morning cleaning the bathrooms.  Then the girls came over to get some wood for the new stove.  We all helped and it did not take long to fill the trunk.  The Alexus had a little time for a few rides down the hill.

Time for a little fun after loading the wood
Bonnie made some nice salads for supper.  Then the girls headed home and we watched a little TV.
I even happened to see the last few minutes of the Miss America show just as Miss New York Won!

Well the news is over so I am headed to read and get some sleep.  We start a church wide study on what the Bible has to say about Heaven!


It was in the 40's again when we got up this morning but little did we know it would get up to 65, yep 65.  We headed in to pick up the girls for church.  The pastors sermon on Heaven (which is mentioned 651 times in the bible) was good.  Then we had some type of Thai soup for lunch at Elizabeth's it was good.  Alexus made brownie cookies for dessert.

Brownie cookies were good
 Then the girls headed for a Woman's group meeting and I headed for home.  Just as I pulled out Alexus decided to come with me.  We had a good afternoon together.  We watched Seattle come pack from way down and take the lead only to lose the game in the final seconds, bummer.  The we watched some National Geographic shows on How the States got their shapes.  We also mixed up some cake mixes to make 3-2-1 cake.  Google it if you want to know how its made, pretty simple.  Nice snack and only 3 points at WW.

I snapped this picture just before dark, almost all the snow is gone but it is to turn cold again tomorrow.

Big difference since yesterday
 Well I am going to watch the rest of the Houston/New England game then maybe a movie.

Hope you all have a good week and Thanks for Checking In.

This just in, Elizabeth called and the hot water handle in her kitchen blew off, looks like it corroded thru.  They got the under-sink valve turned off.

Oh no hope the landlord fixes it soon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sunny Day is it the start of the January Thaw?


The trees were beautifully covered with snow this morning.  The gentle snow and no wind loaded the branches up with snow.  Then the sun came out a little latter and Bonnie had me go out and take a few pictures of the house.

The sky was a beautiful blue today.
I also got a few pictures of some of the many deer that visit the yard.

Must have heard me

Headed for a drink.

Can you see the deer tracks leading to the tree and then to the next tree.
It is just below freezing out but the snow is melting on the driveway with the sun.  Lots of snow on the roof and lots of ice building up in the back of the house on the edge of the roof.  I jumped on the tractor and cleaned up the driveway.  The blower has been working great but I do keep the loader stored where I can get with it.

Hopefully I won't need this all winter, but I keep it close.
Here is a picture of the propane tank.  The driver cleaned part of it off when he filled it but it gives you an idea how much snow we have gotten lately.

After a lunch of some turkey soup I got a quick nap and then went out and cleaned the back deck off also before getting another nap.  We watched TV off and on and took it easy.  I stripped the bed and washed the sheets first thing this morning.  Bonnie keep the machines buzzing today and finished all the rest of the wash.

We got a call and went in to Elizabeth's to have cheeseburger pizza to celebrate Alexus getting 100 on a big test, Congratulations Alexus.

Back home I finished the recorded programs and tuned into watch Alabama dominate Notre Dame.


Bonnie was up early this morning and went to work at The City Mission with Elizabeth.  There was a graduation for the Men's Program today.  I could not attend because I spent the afternoon in court.  Bonnie shopped on the way home and we spent the evening in front of the TV and then read some.  Sorry but thats about it for today.


Well today started out slowly but the good news is that it is above freezing and it is forecast to be that way for the next few days.  In fact as I write this after 9pm tonight it is still 39 out and also as forecast very  windy.

Well the morning flew by and we headed north picking up the mail as we headed out the driveway.  Got a Christmas card today first one in a while.  Next stop was Attica at the bank to pick up our weekly allowances.  The main reason for the trip was to have lunch at the Miss Batavia Family Restaurant with the Rindo's friends from our camping club.  The girls had Pittsburgh Salads and Bob and I had sandwiches he roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy and mine was hot meat loaf with french fries and gravy.  The food was good but the conversation and laughs were even better.

This is their Coach next to their house
After lunch we were invited over to their house to visit.  They had received an iMac Apple computer for Christmas from their family and Bob and I were able to spend some time on it.  He had a list of questions about how to do the things he was used to doing on a windows computer on his new iMac.  We had a good time and crossed off quite a few of the items on his list.  Caroline showed Bonnie her craft room and they visited.  We also were able to find out the problem with google blogger on her computer.  Seems google is having an issue with windows explorer.  So we set up her google chrome browser so she could publish her blog in the manner she was accustomed to.

Coffee Time with a few extras
The time flew by and before I knew it it was 4pm.  4:00pm at Rindo's equates to coffee time!  We headed upstairs and gathered around the kitchen table.  Not only was there coffee but brownies, ice cream, hot fudge and whipped cream.  I could easily get used to this.  I wonder if I can talk Bonnie into 4pm coffee at our house.

We talked for quite a while after coffee and were still going strong when their daughter got home from work so we visited with her also.  It was a great day and we really enjoyed our time together.

Since we were in Batavia we ran the car through the car wash.  Then made quick stops at Michaels and  JoAnn Fabrics.  Bonnie found some sales and I was looking for some high density foam for a project but did not find what I needed.

So we made it home after 8pm and are settling in for the rest of the evening.

One of my favorite drinks, a Buffalo favorite also
I grabbed some chips,salsa and loganberry.

The January thaw has started and should continue for the next few days.  We had a great day, lots of fun and we enjoyed lots of laughs.  Time to post the blog.  Thanks For Checking In!

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Looks like another 1/2 of snow overnight.  Stayed overcast most of the day.  I did go out late in the morning and shovel off the pavers.  But with just an inch of snow on the driveway not worth clearing the driveway.  Bonnie worked on some picture albums in the basement.  We thought we were going downtown to the City Mission today for a graduation ceremony but when I checked on the time we found out its next week and I have another commitment.

I worked some in the afternoon organizing to get ready for taxes.  Also ordered TurboTax using our Amazon Prime 2nd day delivery free.  Got word a little while ago it would be delivered tomorrow.  Its in Tennessee now so lets see if FedEx gets it here tomorrow.

We had some snow come through just after dark tonight and looks like we have a couple inches on the deck now, guess I will be clearing the driveway tomorrow.  Spent the evening watching a little TV and now its time to get a little reading in.


So it was a windy night but does not look like it snowed much.  We both had to go out today so about 10:30 I went out for an hour and cleared the driveway.  It took about an hour, Bonnie left as soon as I finished.  I jumped in the shower and while I was in there the FedEx truck dropped off the 2012 version of TurboTax.

I headed up to court for a few hours and started boxing up my records from last year and taking care of a little bit of paperwork.  Wow was the wind blowing and there were several whiteouts on Route 77 as I was driving up there.  On the way home I took the Maxon Road route and it was much better.  Our Sheldon Highway crew does an excellent job at keeping the roads plowed, they were busy today keeping the drifts plowed back.

We watched a little TV this evening and had a big salad for supper.  The wind is really howling so I know the driving must be bad with the blowing snow.  Guess I will call it a night and read a little before bed.


I was up early this morning and headed to our Church Crossroads Christian Church for the mens breakfast.  It was a good time of fellowship with other guys and the food was very tasty and plentiful.
From there I headed up to court and finally got home just before 2:00pm.  No snow today and warm enough that a little of the snow melted on the roads and driveway.

Relaxed most of the afternoon and then the girls showed up at dinner time with homemade Turkey noodle soup, it was very good.  Then Bonnie made a batch of biscuits and we used with for strawberries for dessert that was very good.  After dinner we watched a movie Pitch Perfect and it was pretty funny and good.


Light snow this morning when we got up and right around 32.  We headed off to pick up the girls and headed to church.  The sermon was on Friendship and the Salt Covenant.  One of the most meaningful sermons and services I have ever participated in.  We were each given a small bag of salt that the Pastor and his wife had filled the night before.  During the service we each emptied our bags into a bowl and then all the salt was combined in one bowl and mixed together.  Then at the conclusion we all filled our bags with this salt.  So we are each carrying each others salts.  The point being that we are all here to be friends to each other and to bear each others burdens and share each others joys.

After we dropped off the girls we headed over to Bonnie's sisters and not only did we have lunch together I got my hair cut.  Thats a deal that is hard to beat.  We visited the rest of the afternoon and Bonnie and Carol treated themselves to a hot wax treatment on their hands.

Three dips into the wax for each hand

Then into the mitts to let the wax do its magic
Bonnie says it was really nice and her knuckles are not aching anymore.  It pretty much snowed all day but it is not accumulating because the temperature is allowing it to melt.  The news says the Bills have hired a new coach but nothing official from 1 Bills Drive.  And it looks like the NHL hockey strike is over.  So sports enthusiasts should be happy.

We got home before dark, I threw the towels into the washer and Bonnie washed dishes and heated up left overs for supper.  Life is good.

Thats about it for this week.  Thanks for Checking In.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013



Last day of 2012 and the sun is shinning again.  Looking back on the year I have to say its been a great year.  Big event of the year was the month long trip to Yellowstone and all the places we visited along the way.  I have to say I could easily do that all the time.  We traded Coaches and now are thinking about what we want to see and do in the coming year.

First big event is Bonnie's mission trip to Africa in February and March.  By the time she gets back from there the weather should be getting nice enough to make some trips.  We have so many places we would like to travel to its hard to make up our minds.  We would love to visit friends and family and there are so many sights and parks we would like to see and visit.  Right now on our list is a trip to Virginia, Michigan, and the St Lawrence Seaway area.  Plus we have several camping club events that we want to attend in the local area.  It all takes planning and we have just begun that so not sure where or when exactly we will head out.  I will keep you posted.

So we headed to Warsaw, Bonnie wanted to grocery shop, last day for some of the coupons.  She also needed to pickup a Rx at the Pharmacy.  I went by the County Clerk's office and picked up my "Favor" card.  It is a program that the county started to reward Veterans.  A lot of business's in the county have signed up and offer discounts for Veterans.  So that will be nice, we have a lot of vets in our county.

When we got home and after we had carried in the groceries I decided to check the pressure tank in our water system.  I opened a sink tap to drain the pressure in the system and then checked it and it was low.  So I hooked up the compressor and put in 28psi which is 2psi less than the 30psi that the pump kicks in at.  Thats what it is to be set at so we will see how that works this week Friday night when the system cycles.

We had skipped lunch and picked up a large Chicken Wing pizza on the way home.  I fueled up the Odyssey while we waited on the pizza.  We ate the whole pizza but it served as lunch and supper.  We have been watching a marathon of "The Next Great Baker"

FedEx did show up twice today.  This morning they brought DEET that we had ordered for Bonnie to use on her trip to Africa.  And then this afternoon they brought the last Christmas present I had ordered for Bonnie.

Compressed into a pretty big box

Once released it "inflated" to a full sized pillow
We had these pillows at the Marriott Timeshare in Florida.  Bonnie had decided she wanted one way back then.  So I did a little research and was able to order the same model pillow from Pacific Pillow.

Well thats about it this will close out 2012.  Happy New Year


Well the New Year has started may it be a great year.  I was reading when midnight came and came out and turned on the TV to watch the ball drop.  Then back to my Kindle and finished another chapter or two before going to sleep.  Looks like we got about 1/2in. of snow overnight and its in the lower 20's again.  Not much planned for the day although I would like to go see a movie later this afternoon.

Well the movie idea got nixed.  Bonnie decided to take down the tree and Christmas decorations.  All while fixing twice baked potatoes, peas, and boneless pork chops for supper.  Not only for me but the girls came also.  While they were here we made reservations to go to Florida for Thanksgiving this year.  I think we will drive down and the girls will fly down for the week.

So we got a little more snow today and total amount maybe an inch.  I did go out and clear the driveway and take out the trash.  I put a few gallons of fuel in the tractor and then headed in for that great supper that Bonnie had made.

We watched a hallmark Christmas movie and now its time to read a little and get some sleep.


No snow overnight, cold in the teens but warmed up to 27, the sun did shine for a while.  We both slept in a little this morning.  Not much exciting this morning.  The Propane Truck came and left 197.2 gallons of fuel to keep us warm for the next month or so.

Plans now are to have a late lunch of Sahlen Hot Dogs done on the grill.  A Buffalo favorite any time of the year.  Then I little later we are headed to the FLIX10 to see the movie Lincoln.

The movie was great we really enjoyed it.  Snowed all the way home and we have about another 1/2 inch on the ground.  Thats about it for Wednesday.  The backyard looks like a deer highway again.  I will try to get some pictures.

Thanks for Checking In.