Friday, January 21, 2011

Zero Visibility (almost)

Shortly after I got up this morning it was snowing so hard I could not see the trees at the edge of the words.  I watched it for a few minutes and then went to get the camera.  In that thirty seconds the snow eased up but it was still snowing hard.
30 seconds earlier I could not see the woods

I was up during the night and it was clear out so not sure what time the snow started but by 8am there was 3 inches of new snow.  Now 2 hours later there is another 2 inches.  Its not supposed to snow all day so thats positive as Bonnie flies in this evening around 11.  Not much on the agenda for today, just the wash and the recently added shovel and blow snow.  The bright spot of the morning was seeing my first Cardinal of the season visit the bird feeder.
11am on the deck railing all since last night
It snowed pretty steady until about 1:30 so I went out and cleared off the deck.  Its now pretty windy and I am inside warming up and then folding the load of wash I did.  I just checked the computer and the team down in the DR has posted their last update so I wanted to send that out.  They should now be at the airport and arrive here in Buffalo around 11pm tonight.  I plan to be at the airport but have the driveway to clean out shortly and then hope to go to the Attica HS Basketball game.  Just got word after school activities are canceled so no game.

Thanks for checking in

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