Monday, January 17, 2011

Wow -10 This Morning

I was sitting here reading and glanced out the door to see a couple deer in the sunshine on the side of the hill in the woods.  That reminded me how cold it was this morning.  According to the Attica HS weather bug station it was -10.  While here at the house I saw 1 above.  Either way its cold, especially considering Bonnie and team are in 80 some degree weather.  Anyway I am thankful for a warm house and often wonder how the animals like the deer stay warm in this weather.  It has been a great morning the new Keurig coffee maker is working fine, I have a good book to read, and even watched a little TV.  It is almost time for lunch and then I will clear off the back deck and make a run down the hill to the Post Office to mail a few bills and buy some more "Forever Stamps"  I just read that all the stamps will be this type from now on.  I also saw that the forecast is for above freezing temperatures tomorrow, but just for one day.  I just checked and only about 62 days until Spring starts.
Well I will bet a bunch of you realized unlike me that today is a Federal Holiday and the post office is closed.   It hit me when I got out to the mail box and it was empty.  On the bright side, the deck is clear of snow and the pavers and around the garage are like wise.  Time for a little more reading!
Went out to eat with a friend tonight.  We went into East Aurora, we had a great time of fellowship and catching up since we do not work together at the county anymore.  I had a great Buffalo Chicken Salad and he had a nice fish dish with a great tasting butter sauce. Here is a link to Pasqualies
He has a new Kindle and I have the iPad and we chatted about them and what we have been reading, among many other subjects.

When I got home there was an update from the Team in the DR so here is the link to that.

And the deer are back so here is a close up of one I could not even scare away from the bird feeder.

I keep posting when I get an update.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are surviving this week all alone. Yes it was quite chilly this morning, we had +1 at our house also. On my way to work, I was watching the truck's outside thermometer and it ranged from +5 to -12 as I made my way up and down and through the valley's. I think it was Marilla that was the -12.

    I like the deer pic, I saved it as my wallpaper to show Alyssa tomorrow.

    Enjoy your week....


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